I know it feels like our government isn't working for any of us right now. I know that it seems like you're pushing a boulder up a hill. But if enough of us get behind this boulder, that boulder's going to make it to the top.

Julie Oliver for Congress

Team, like many of you, I found myself feeling both angry and sad when the news came down last night that Senate Republicans voted to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.

Instead of rushing another round of desperately-needed relief to Americans during this economic and public health crisis — relief that House Democrats already rallied around and advanced months ago! — Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell rushed an unqualified justice to the Supreme Court to back their lawsuit to kick millions of Americans off their health insurance.

Yet while all of this was happening, I gathered with Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, Jamaal Bowman, and dozens of supporters to talk about our progressive vision for the future — one that invests in people instead of leaving them behind in the quest for more power.

Even in the darkest of times, these conversations fill me with hope because I know that there are way more of us that believe in our grassroots power to create change. And in one week, I believe our positive message will win. But first, we need to raise $500,000 by the end of the month to keep our get out the vote efforts on track. This grassroots movement has always risen to the moment — will you rush a contribution to help us flip TX-25 in 7 days?


I know it feels like our government isn't working for any of us right now. I know that it seems like you're pushing a boulder up a hill. But if enough of us get behind this boulder, that boulder's going to make it to the top.

Thanks for being a part of this,
