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Tuesday, October 27, 2020
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The COVID-19 Pandemic Can Help Us Understand Low-Value Health Care
By Allison H. Oakes and Jodi B. Segal

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a novel sense of scarcity, which has forced health systems to cut profitable services and prioritize seriously ill patients. At the same time, it has revealed a previously unseen counterfactual: a health system in which there is no low-value care. These circumstances can be leveraged to advance the low-value care research agenda. Read More >>

COVID-19 And Health Disparities: Insights From Key Informant Interviews
By Harold A. Pollack and Caroline Kelly

More than 220,000 Americans have died from COVID-19; more than eight million have been infected. No part of the US has been fully spared, but the burdens are unequally distributed. This post draws upon key informant interviews with physicians, nursing and medical leaders, epidemiologists and health services researchers, and policy scholars to explore causes of these disparities and to examine proposed solutions. Read More >>



Racial And Ethnic Inequities In Children’s Neighborhoods: Evidence From The New Child Opportunity Index 2.0
By Dolores Acevedo-Garcia, Clemens Noelke, Nancy McArdle, Nomi Sofer, Erin F. Hardy, Michelle Weiner, Mikyung Baek, Nick Huntington, Rebecca Huber, and Jason Reece

Dolores Acevedo-Garcia and coauthors present and analyze the Child Opportunity Index 2.0, a composite measure of children’s neighborhood opportunity. Inequities are profound, with an overall Child Opportunity Score of 73 for White children compared with 33 for Hispanic children and 24 for Black children in the largest 100 metropolitan areas. Read More >>

A Health Podyssey
New podcast! In this episode of A Health Podyssey, Health Affairs Editor-in-Chief Alan Weil interviews Brandeis University’s Dolores Acevedo-Garcia to discuss her research on racial and ethnic inequities in children’s neighborhoods.

Listen here.

A CLOSER LOOK—Health Policy Under The Trump Administration

With the election just one week away, ACA expert Katie Keith evaluates Republican health policy under the Trump administration. This post from August identifies several of the Republican party’s health policy priorities since 2017 and takes stock of President Trump’s record on health care.

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About Health Affairs

Health Affairs is the leading peer-reviewed journal at the intersection of health, health care, and policy. Published monthly by Project HOPE, the journal is available in print and online. Late-breaking content is also found through, Health Affairs Today, and Health Affairs Sunday Update.  

Project HOPE is a global health and humanitarian relief organization that places power in the hands of local health care workers to save lives across the globe. Project HOPE has published Health Affairs since 1981.

Copyright © Project HOPE: The People-to-People Health Foundation, Inc.
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