Tune in at 5:30 PM EDT today.
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Your rights as a voter, explained.
Tune in today at 5:30 PM EDT

Okay. It's next week. This is (almost) it.

And now, more than ever, it's incredibly important to know your rights. You have the right to vote freely, so make sure you have the resources you need... to make your voice heard!

Questions or concerns? Tune in to Turn Up Tuesday, our Facebook live series, at 5:30 PM EDT today.

Whether it's information about what to expect at the polls, what to do if you run into problems there, or state-specific rules about casting your ballot, we've got all the information you need. So tune in today — together, let's strengthen our democracy!

— The Leadership Conference

P.S. Be sure to catch our latest updates and get alerts to your mobile device so you can take swift action. Text "civil rights" to 40649 to sign up today.
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