Going into this final election weekend with JOY
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While many are feeling despair over the announcement of Amy Coney Barrett, we won’t let them steal our joy. So we’re putting together an epic dance party with The Get Down THIS THURSDAY at 8p EST (2020-10-29%2017:00:00%20PDT) to remember what moves us into action.
Together, we'll align our breath, bodies, voices and votes towards 2020 election and the future that we all deserve. We'll be led by DJ Tasha Blank ([link removed]) , Reggie Hubbard ([link removed]) , Kerri Kelly and more as we get inspired and ignited for this last stretch of the campaign.
The event is free and open to everyone. Join us for a potent dose of solidarity, celebration + sweat!
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We're in the final stretch of this election season, and everyone moment counts. Here's how to make the most of the last 7 days:
* VOTE EARLY: Getting our votes in early ensures that they will be counted. ** Here's everything you need to know! ([link removed])
* MOBILIZE YOUR PEOPLE: This isn't just about your vote, it's about all of us. Reach out to your people, make sure they have a plan to vote, share voting reminders and ballot information and give them what they need to vote. Check out our ** VOTEWELL Ballot Guide ([link removed])
for more on how engage yoru community.
* DEFEND THE ELECTION: Our democracy only works when everyone participates. We're getting trained and organized to defend the polls and ensure that every feels free and safe to vote. ** Sign up! ([link removed])
* JOY TO THE POLLS: While voters are facing epic lines, we're making sure people are entertained and having fun. ** Here's the toolkit ([link removed])
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