We hope you watched the debate last night. It truly was one for the books.
Senators Cory Booker and Kamala Harris weren’t letting anything slide -- and their answers set the bar high for the rest of the candidates. We got a glimpse of what can be made possible if we elect the next Black president.
Now, we're more fired up than ever before to ensure the next person who takes the oath to be president is a leader we can rely on. Kamala or Cory can be the Black candidate who defeats Donald Trump.
Team, we're asking you to contribute what you can to The Collective today because we need to do all we can to support the Black presidential candidate in 2020. We have a mid-month deadline coming up this weekend. Can we count on you to contribute before we close the books?
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Cory Booker hit the nail on the head when he said, "We cannot sacrifice progress on the altar of purity. We’ve got one shot to make Donald Trump a one-term president, and we cannot lose it by the way we talk about each other."
It’s moments like that when we know he can win in 2020. Or when Kamala Harris said Trump had a “fragile ego.” He deserved to be indicted, she argued. And while he didn’t pull the trigger in the El Paso shooting, she said, “he was tweeting out the ammunition.” With her leadership, we will be able to end Trump's legacy of hate and fight for justice for all Americans.
Our grassroots team is how we are able to give support to candidates like Senators Kamala Harris and Cory Booker when they need it most. So, if you’re with us in the work to elect the next Black president, chip in what you can before the deadline.
Thank you,
The Collective Team