Dear John,
It's been 9 years since a bluff overlooking Lake Michigan in Oak Creek collapsed spilling tons of coal ash laced with heavy metals into the lake.  Join the Clean Power Coalition - Southeast Wisconsin and Sierra Club Wisconsin this Thursday morning at 10:00 for a live virtual press event looking at the legacy of We Energies' Oak Creek power plant.

350 Milwaukee

      All tricks, no treat:     
  We Energies' haunting legacy in Southeast Wisconsin  

We Energies has been up to no good. Join us virtually on Thursday, October 29, at 10:00am as we reflect on the historic bluff collapse that occurred near the South Oak Creek power plant on Halloween nine years ago, spilling coal ash into Lake Michigan. We Energies continues to pick polluting our waters and harming our health over making the responsible decision to shut down the South Oak Creek coal plant. Join the call to demand the plant’s shut down!

Register here: Virtual press event on the South Oak Creek power plant

Speakers include:
S. Janet Weyker, Racine Dominicans, and Co-Founder of the Eco-Justice Center - Racine

Rev. Dana Kelley, Lead Organizer of North Side Rising Co-op - Citizen Action of Wisconsin, and Pastor of Reviving Faith Movement - Milwaukee

Kirsten Shead, Co-Executive Director of Milwaukee Water Commons

Tom Rutkowski, Co-Chair of Sierra Club Southeast Gateway Group, and Founding Member of the Clean Power Coalition of Southeast Wisconsin

Do you remember the bluff collapse?
WISN Slide Show
DNR: lack of pond liner contributed to bluff collapse

Urgent-Souls To The Polls-Volunteers Still Needed for Lit Drop

Thank you for considering doing a lit drop of Souls to the Polls fliers. There is no need to knock on doors. We are dropping fliers that show the times and the dates of the early voting sites. It's fun, easy and effective.  The details are below if you want to volunteer. Thanks :)   Also check out 

Jim Carpenter
1633 N. Prospect Ave. #9C 
Milwaukee, WI 53202 
(414) 347-0353
[email protected]

From: Frank Shansky

Thank you so much for all of you who have volunteered to do lit drops. We will need all of you and more to cover the areas we need covered thru the early vote period. We are currently covering the neighborhoods around the Villard Square Library, the Clinton Rose Center and the Good Hope Library. The last two areas that we will move to are around the Midtown Center and Washington Park Library.

There are only a few weeks left and every day is critical in getting out the vote.  The neighborhoods we are covering include many irregular voters, so getting information to their homes is a high priority. Remember, these are only lit drops, not knocks on doors.

So I'm asking those of you who have not volunteered to please contact me at this e-mail address or at 414-616-1395 (landline) or 414-915-0416 (cell).

For those of you who are doing the lit drops, thanks so much. But I'm asking you, if possible, to do this until we have finished all the neighborhoods I listed.

You all know what's at stake. Let's get this done. 

Lastly, I've asked before, but please ask your friends, relatives and neighbors if they can help out.

Thanks again.

350 Milwaukee
Fridays For Future (on a Saturday)
Saturday, October 31, 12 - 1pm
76th St at Layton Ave

350 Milwaukee is joining Peace Action of Wisconsin to
Get Out The Vote
Bring your own signs or grab one on Saturday

Masked and Physically Distanced

More Actions

350 Milwaukee Meeting
Tuesday, November 10, 7 - 8:30pm

Zoom Virtual Meeting

Tyler Huebner, Wisconsin PSC Commissioner, will be our guest speaker


Join Zoom Meeting
Link will be in our November 8 newsletter

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4142 Newhall St.
Shorewood, WI 53211

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