Friend --

The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the massive economic inequality in the US. The working class, particularly in communities of color, has faced unprecedented levels of unemployment and evictions. Meanwhile, in California just 165 billionaires have seen their wealth increase by $175,000,000,000 since March.

That’s why DSA is fighting to TAX THE RICH by fighting for California’s Proposition 15 - The Schools and Communities First Act. Prop 15 would reclaim $10-12 billion every year for schools & public services by closing a commercial property tax loophole that has been exploited for decades by wealthy investors and corporate landlords.

Before the tax code was rigged in favor of giant corporations, California’s schools were 4th in the nation in per-pupil spending; in 2017, California ranked 46th. These cuts to the social safety net hurt working-class communities of color the most and weakened public sector unions. Prop 15 is a monumental step in the fight against austerity in the 5th largest economy in the world. This is why DSA is proud to stand side by side in this struggle with labor unions, community organizers, and the millions of ordinary Californians who are fighting back against the capitalist class.

Are you ready to fight back with us by donating to our Yes on 15 campaign? Donating is especially important right now because the big corporate opponents of Prop 15 are dumping millions into blatantly false attack ads. That’s why we need to call voters and set the record straight.

Your donation will help us make calls to hundreds of thousands of voters. Donate now to help us tax the rich and win the funding our schools and communities deserve.

Donate $15 for 385 calls

Donate $30 for 770 calls

Donate $45 for 1,155 calls


Still want to know more about Prop 15? Check out our explainer videos!

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