From ADL Washington, D.C. <[email protected]>
Subject ADL Regional Update
Date September 13, 2019 6:20 PM
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ADl regional update

ADL Joins Interfaith Community Partners in Celebration of DiversityADL Washington, D.C. was proud to join local congregations and community activists for the 14th Annual Interfaith Council of Metropolitan Washington Unity Walk on Sunday, September 8. Each year the walk is a public demonstration of solidarity and unity for all faith groups in the Washington, DC metro area. Through unique cultural experiences, participants gain perspective into the practices, customs and traditions of the many religious communities that call the District home.


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ADL and Aspen Institute Announce Inaugural Class of the Civil Society Fellowship
This week, ADL and the Aspen Institute announced the inaugural class of the Civil Society Fellowship: A Partnership of ADL and the Aspen Institute. This new Fellowship, part of the Aspen Global Leadership Network, aims to prepare and engage the next generation of community and civic leaders, activists and problem solvers from across the political spectrum.

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23 inaugural Fellows , selected from a pool of over 200 nominees from across the country, are journalists, entrepreneurs, government officials, lawyers, educators and designers. Each Fellow will launch a leadership venture tackling a societal problem of their choosing that will stretch them and make a positive impact on their communities, their country and the world. Civil Society Fellows join the 3,000+ Fellows in the Aspen Global Leadership Network.

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ADL Facilitates Words to Action Training at the University of Maryland's Zeta Beta Tau FraternityLast Sunday, September 8, ADL facilitators led a Words to Action training for Zeta Beta Tau (ZBT) Fraternity at the University of Maryland, College Park. Since 2015, through a partnership between ZBT and ADL, Words to Action programs have been facilitated on college campuses across our region and around the country. This training is an interactive education program for middle, high school and college students designed to empower and equip them with constructive and effective responses to combat anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias.

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ADL Participates in ADAMS Center 19th Annual Peace Gathering and Public Safety Appreciation Event
As individuals and communities commemorated the anniversary of the tragic events of September 11, 2001, ADL Washington, D.C. was honored to join our partners at the ADAMS (All Dulles Area Muslim Society) Center in reflection, prayer and solidarity. All those gathered, including public safety officials from across the region, local elected officials and community partners, expressed their appreciation for the tireless efforts of law enforcement and first responders to protect our society, all while honoring the memories of those who lost their lives that fateful day.


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25th Anniversary ADL In Concert Against Hate Tickets on Sale
For 25 years, ADL In Concert Against Hate has honored every day heroes in the battle against intolerance, injustice and extremism. These extraordinary people have performed acts of courage and compassion when confronted by the forces of hate. Their stories, narrated by renowned actors and performers, are interwoven with musical selections to create a powerful and unforgettable evening of inspiration and hope - one that affirms and celebrates the values that we all share.

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Join ADL at the Arlington County Office of Human Rights Community Briefing on The State of HateWe invite you to this community briefing on September 25, hosted by Arlington County Office of Human Rights, Arlington County Department of Libraries and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Together with community partners from the Sikh and Muslim communities, we will discuss the state of hate and the targeting of religious minorities in the Commonwealth and across the nation.


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Register for Never Is Now!Never Is Now is ADL&rsquo;s Annual Summit on Anti-Semitism and Hate, taking place on November 21 at the Jacob K. Javits Center in New York City. ADL&rsquo;s signature annual event is a one day conference focused on understanding contemporary drivers and dynamics of anti-Semitism.

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