
I will be frank with you, we are only a week away from the election and are still $36,498 SHORT of our fundraising goal for the election. If we are not able to raise this money by Friday for our final TV ad buy, Nancy Pelosi will know that she can flip this district.

But with the Van Duyne Grassroots Army behind me, I know that you will help us hit this goal and keep this seat in the RED column.

Our race has become one of the most expensive races in the country and Pelosi and her socialist allies are not backing down! I have always been outspent by my opponents and this election is no different.

Pelosi, Michael Bloomberg, and their socialist allies are spending over $11 MILLION on television ads that are attacking me all day, every day. This is why I need YOU to step up right now and chip in $30 to help us defeat the Socialists and flip the House RED!

Thank you so much for your continued support,

Beth Van Duyne
Paid for by Beth Van Duyne for Congress