Hi Friend,

It’s official: Judge Amy Coney Barrett has been confirmed as our newest Supreme Court Justice!

This is a great day for “liberty and justice for all.” 
Join us in congratulating Justice Amy Coney Barrett on her historic, hard-fought confirmation to the highest court of the land.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett is “a new feminist icon,” noted Erika Bachiochi, a fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center and a senior fellow at the Abigail Adams Institute.

Justice Barrett is relatable yet aspirational: a mom, professor, legal scholar, and judge who seems to balance her demanding, high-powered career with her family and personal life so seamlessly… it’s almost as if you forget she is a mom of seven and a (now) Supreme Court Justice.

As Senator Mike Braun said, Justice Barrett is “a legal titan who drives a minivan.”
More importantly, Judge Barrett will be a tremendous role model and leader, at a time when both are so desperately needed. 

As Erika explained, “Amy Coney Barrett has been praised for her topflight legal mind, even by those who disagree with her.… Barrett’s expected confirmation should serve as a catalyst for rethinking the most powerful social movement in the past half century: feminism.” 

We are so proud of Justice Amy Coney Barrett for staying true to herself, handling her confirmation process with grace and dignity, and seeking new heights not only for herself, but also to lift up other women in the process.

Amy is a true champion of women, and we are proud to say, “I’m With Her.”

Join us in congratulating Justice Amy Coney Barrett: Sign the card today.


Tammy Bruce

P.S. Help us support strong female leaders like Amy and champion the issues that matter most to you. Invest today in Independent Women’s Forum.