Join us for a webinar on Thursday, October 29, connecting militarism & the climate crisis!



The climate crisis is a threat multiplier; whether we’re talking about racial justice, migrant rights, or war, the stakes become unparalleled when also set against the backdrop of an intensifying climate crisis.

Oppressed people across the globe are impacted by the U.S. Government's moral failures at not only ignoring the crisis but also digging its heels into protecting the systems that maintain the disastrous extractive fossil fuel economy.

This fall, we’re pleased to participate in a conversation series hosted by the Power Shift Network to deepen the climate movement’s collective analysis about the U.S. government’s role in upholding imperialist mentalities and protecting its interests by ignoring the climate crisis in the name of profit and hoarding power for the few, to the peril of the rest of us. This series will explore the U.S. Government’s involvement and unregulated support of militarism, immigration, and white nationalism. 

Please join us in the first conversation, which will focus on the bloated military budget, the US war machine, and how it impedes us from working towards climate justice.

Climate + State Violence: US Militarism
Thursday, October 29th
4pm PT / 7pm ET
RSVP Here: 

The conversationalists: 

  • Lorah Steichen, Outreach Coordinator for National Priorities Project at the Institute for Policy Studies
  • Elsa Mengistu, Part of the core team at Generation Green 
  • Dany Sigwalt,  Co-Executive Director at Power Shift Network

When we understand the connections between our struggles, and we are prepared to authentically show up in solidarity, our movements build power. Join us for this critical conversation this Thursday night!

See you there,

Lorah, Ashik, Lindsay, and the NPP team at IPS

No Warming, No War

Recognizing that the impacts of climate change will dramatically increase instability around the globe, this paper examines the role of militarism in a climate-changed world.

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National Priorities Project
351 Pleasant Street, Suite B #442, Northampton, MA 01060, United States
[email protected] |
NPP is a project of the Institute for Policy Studies.
