Dear Supporter, 

The Metropolitan Police today exonerated our campaign and Leave.EU CEO Liz Bilney, concluding a years-long investigation triggered by an Electoral Commission witch-hunt.

Chairman Arron Banks, responding to the news, said "the Electoral Commission have serious questions to answer about political bias and whether it is fit for purpose as a regulator" and that "the disgraceful political collusion between the Electoral Commission, the Damian Collins “Remain biased” DCMS Committee, and a number of leading Remain MPs, demonstrates a serious abuse of public office and we will be demanding a full public investigation into their actions."

You can read his full statement here.

Commander Alex Murray of Central Specialist Crime said that "the actions taken by Leave.EU to adhere to the regulations, mean that it is now appropriate to take no further action."

But even though the police have now exonerated us, expect the Remain Establishment to keep up their campaign of smears and lies to undermine the verdict of 17.4m people. The supposedly impartial BBC News, who saturated their airwaves with the news that the case had been opened two years ago, took two hours to even mention the news...

The Battle for Brexit continued to hot up elsewhere this week too, with parliament being officially prorogued at the close of business on Monday while hysterical opposition MPs kicked up a stink and fanatical pro-EU campaigners tried once again to fight the will of 17.4m Brits in the courts.

Boris’ last-ditch attempt to get a general election was shot down by MPs after the passage of Hilary Benn’s rotten Surrender Bill, which will supposedly force the prime minister to grovel to Brussels for another Brexit delay at October’s European summit.

Our disgraceful MPs went on to act like petulant children in the Commons chamber, holding handmade signs and running at the Speakers’ chair while other Labour MPs sang The Red Flag.

A general election would have given the public an opportunity to have their say on Brexit. But Remainer MPs instead ducked their constituents, fearing that they’d give Boris a whopping majority and enable him to repeal the poisonous legislation.


Instead of trying to win over voters, Remainers are trying to stymie Boris’ Brexit policy in the courts.  On Wednesday the Scottish Court of Session in Edinburgh grabbed headlines when it ruled against the prime minister’s prorogation order.

But while the flagrantly political judgment of the Scottish Court of Session dominated headlines and led to much gloating on the Remainstream media, a contrary outcome in the English High Court was given few column inches. The English High Court rightly ruled that prorogation is a political issue, not a legal one, and that the court should remain silent in matters of politics.

Likewise, a vitally important high court ruling from Belfast highlighted that the Good Friday Agreement does not require continued British membership of the corrupt European Union, again rightly deeming it a political issue.

The Supreme Court will now hear this case this Tuesday, in a rare full sitting of the court. Let’s hope they have the good sense to slap down the Remainers’ claims. The decision of fanatical pro-EU activists to try dragging our independent judiciary into their bitter political campaigns is highly dangerous, and risks undermining the faith of the public in our courts. The Scottish judges went along with this reckless game; we’ll soon see if the Supreme Court exercises better judgement…

The Remainers are celebrating their hollow victory in the Scottish court, but Brexiteers are trying to get organized for the major electoral conflict ahead. While pro-EU MPs try desperately to avoid facing their voters in a general election, the Conservative Party and the Brexit Party are raring to go. For all their bravado, the enemies of Brexit understand that the British public is not on their side and is ready to punish them in the polling booth…

But in order to win big, Brexiteers must be united and organized. That’s why Nigel Farage this week made a big, generous offer to Boris of a non-aggression pact between their two parties. The deal would see The Brexit Party stand down across large swathes of the country in return for a clear run against Labour in a hundred seats where the Tories usually don’t stand a chance.

The plan makes perfect sense, especially in light of recent polling evidence that very few Labour-voting Leave supporters are likely to back the Tories. Likewise, the Brexit Party just today took over Hartlepool Borough Council – a town that has never returned a non-Labour MP since constituting its own constituency in 1974. The Brexit Party won 9,446 votes there in May while Labour won just 2,465 and the Tories took a paltry 910….

Boris can’t reach these people, but Nigel can. With Nigel causing Corbyn a headache in his heartlands and Boris free to concentrate on winnable seats, the emerging Remainer coalition will be thrown into complete disarray.

We will never stop fighting for the will of the 17.4m patriotic voters who voted Leave in 2016. But we're under constant attack from the Establishment and rely on public donations to fund our campaign. Any contribution is warmly welcomed.


Sadly the plan is seemingly falling on deaf ears, with one Number 10 staffer saying that “neither Nigel Farage nor Arron Banks are fit and proper persons and should never be allowed anywhere near government”, but senior Tory MPs like Steve Baker are much more welcoming to the idea:

“I am still waiting for someone to explain to me how we win a general election and reunite the Conservative coalition without committing to some sort of arrangement with the Brexit Party.”

Hopefully, when an election is inevitably called, wiser voices like Steve Baker’s prevail and we finally see a long awaited reunion of the 17.4 patriotic voters who spoke with one voice on June 23 2016 and voted to leave the rotten European Union. Together we can crush Corbyn, Swinson, and Sturgeon, and get the proper Brexit we voted for over three years ago.

While the Conservative Party weighs up whether to put party or country first, Leave.EU is fighting with full force for our independence from the European Union. Our Blue Wave campaign laid the groundwork for Boris’ recent purge of Tory Remainers, and our Blue Wave activists on the ground are ready to rapidly strike again if reports about Boris potentially readmitting the likes of Philip Hammond turn out to be true.

And we’re dominating on social media with the most viral digital political campaign in the United Kingdom. On Facebook this week our patriotic pro-Brexit posts reached 7.8m people and generated 6.1m engagements – more than triple the amount of engagement generated by the Conservative Party.

With an historic general election pending, where the fate of our country may well be decided for good, we’ll continue making sure the voice of the 17.4m is heard and supporters of national independence are prepared for the battle to come. You can support our work at – any help you can offer is warmly appreciated.

Kind regards, 
The Leave.EU Team
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