With exactly one week to go, here’s one EASY way to help us win.
Could you please forward these 5 Reasons to Vote for Barbara Bry to a friend, a neighbor, a family member, or a colleague that either hasn’t made up their mind or doesn’t yet know what’s at stake in this election?
1. There’s a good reason Father Joe endorses Barbara Bry
In 2012, while he represented downtown San Diego on the City Council, Todd Gloria promised he would "end homelessness Downtown in the next four years."
Yet, homelessness more than doubled under his watch.
That’s because homelessness is not simply a housing problem. It’s also a mental health problem and a substance abuse problem and an income disparity problem. Simply placing troubled folks in a home, or a tent, does not solve their problems.
Barbara will take a comprehensive approach to treating the homelessness problem.
Barbara Bry has taken start-up companies like from an idea to multi-million-dollar operations. And she’s helped build successful non-profits like Athena, and Run Women Run, which have helped empowered hundreds of women and youth to be impactful leaders in our community.
Barbara is supported by neighborhood residents and community leaders, not the partisan political establishment. That’s one big reason she is the only candidate who has the experience to clean up City Hall and demand accountability for taxpayers.
San Diego strength derives from its diverse neighborhoods.
Yet, Barbara’s opponent, responding to industry lobbyists, co-authored legislation in Sacramento that stripped San Diego of its right to impose reasonable safety regulations on motorized scooters.
He also joined our current Mayor to support Sacramento legislation that would have permitted Wall Street financiers to build multi-story apartments with no parking requirements in single-family neighborhoods.
4. Barbara Bry will clean up the mess at 101 Ash Street
5. Barbara will restore Balboa Park
As a City Councilmember, Todd Gloria presided over a period of neglect, wheel spinning and high-profile embarrassments that have left Balboa Park in serious need of attention.
In Barbara's short time on the Council, she witnessed the pattern of political gamesmanship that substitutes for leadership at City Hall. Balboa Park, like so much else at the City, is in need of solid, non-political management.
Barbara believes that Balboa Park is critical to our identity as a city. Neglect is not an option.
Still not sure? Here’s Why I’m Running, My Issues, and a Quick Candidate Comparison.
One week to go.
Let’s get to work!

Barbara Bry
Businesswoman. Leader. Empowerer.
2020 Mayoral Candidate |
(619) 452-0522
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