John -- There’s no other way to say it. I’m disgusted by what the Senate did last night.
McConnell and the GOP tripped over themselves to confirm a radical extremist to the Supreme Court at a time when so many Americans are suffering, so many Americans desperately need their healthcare, so many Americans have lost their jobs and hence their healthcare.
My opponent gladly put her rubber stamp on this sham confirmation, but she won’t lift a finger to help the people of West Virginia who are in real trouble.

We’ve already seen cases before the Supreme Court impacting voting rights in recent weeks. Now with days to go before the final votes are cast, a new justice has been sworn in who can help the court steal yet another election from a Democratic victor.
Even when we defeat Trump, the damage Amy Coney Barrett will be able to do -- if unchecked -- over the course of her lifetime appointment is incalculable. She can and likely will cast the deciding vote to dismantle the Affordable Care Act. If that happens, tens of thousands of my fellow West Virginians will lose what little health coverage they have.
Lives are on the line here, and all across the country. I’m sick to my stomach thinking of what this could mean.
But none of that mattered to Shelley Moore Capito. She got her marching orders from Mitch McConnell and she dutifully obeyed.
I’m especially disgusted to know that the people who voted on this confirmation have the best health care money could buy for life and it’s OUR money that’s paying for it.
We have GOT to fight back, John.
We have to double our efforts to gain control of the Senate so we can begin to undo the untold damage that Mitch McConnell and all his enablers have done to the people of this country.
Shelley Moore Capito has betrayed the people of West Virginia for the last time. Help me defeat her on November 3rd, and let’s take the Senate back.
Paula Jean
Paula Jean Swearengin is a coal miner’s daughter and granddaughter, and the Democratic Nominee for U.S. Senate in West Virginia. Paula supports Medicare for All and a Green New Deal, cancelling student debt and ensuring a livable wage for all Americans. Learn more about Paula in the award-winning documentary Knock Down the House, on YouTube. Please support this people-powered campaign to flip a U.S. Senate seat in November.