
It’s hard to believe that the election of our lifetimes is finally here. In just one week, the last votes will be cast in this election — and with any luck, we’ll have a result soon after.

If we are successful in beating Donald Trump, holding the House, and flipping the Senate, the legislative possibilities ahead are endless. We could get to work on:

  • A real plan for beating COVID-19
  • Health care
  • Climate change
  • Common-sense gun laws, and so much more

But none of this is possible if we don’t retake both the Senate and the White House.

John, every pundit in the country agrees that this election will come down to turnout — so we’re scrambling to make sure our Serve America-endorsed candidates have the resources they need to turn out every single voter they can over the next seven days.

That’s why my team set a last-minute $10,000 goal for this team to hit by the end of the month. Will you contribute $10 or more right now to make sure we can hit this goal and provide the get-out-the-vote resources our candidates' teams desperately need right now?



Thank you for anything you can do. Let’s keep pushing.
