Good afternoon 

I want you to stop signing petitions. Yes. Really. 


The only people with the power to change the law on assisted dying are MPs. Petitions can draw their attention to an issue but now I need your help to change minds. 


This happens one-on-one. MPs need to hear the right argument, from the right person at the right time. 


If you feel you can, I want one of those people to be you. Sign up for a Dignity in Dying videocall today to find out how.


Noel Conway video. Click to view on youtube.

I wrote to my MP many times over three long years and met him personally before he changed his mind on assisted dying. It might not happen overnight, but if we’re going to change the law before the next election MPs need to start their journey to support now. 


The fight for assisted dying is at a crucial moment - there are more MPs on side than ever before but we're not there yet. Parliaments around the world are implementing more compassionate laws and medical organisations are finally listening to dying people. Momentum is building. 


You are the person your MP needs to hear from. Sign up for a Dignity in Dying videocall today. 


I don’t need your signature on a petition - I need you to meet your MP. 

Together we will change the law. 


My sincerest thanks, 


Noel Conway


P.S. Sign up for a webinar today and join supporters across the country fighting for a change in the law. 

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