Friend, if you’re anxious about the election, you’re not alone.
After all, our nation has never faced a presidential election like this -- during a national pandemic, with a president openly opposing our right to vote safely from home.
All year, we’ve seen a preview of the problems voters will face if we don’t act: confusing or discriminatory laws, online disinformation campaigns, hours-long lines at polling places, even the possibility of in-person harassment and intimidation.
But Friend, I’m writing to let you know I’ve seen the solution first-hand -- and it starts with each of us doing our part.
Nearly every Tuesday over the summer, I’ve mobilized with hundreds of my fellow Common Cause members to defend voters’ rights during the primaries. Our team saw firsthand in states like Georgia and Wisconsin what can go wrong -- and what we can do about it.
I have to say -- it’s been nothing short of inspiring working with Common Cause volunteers who have sacrificed their evenings and weekends to protect their fellow Americans’ rights.
Here’s how we do it: we've spent the past few weeks and months helping local election officials do what it takes to make sure nobody has to choose between their health and their right to vote -- or sound the alarm if they’re taking actions that will suppress eligible voters.
Then on Election Day (and during early voting, already ongoing in many states) we monitor in-person voting -- with our volunteers safely in their vehicles and given PPE -- for anything that could threaten the rights or health of voters who choose to cast their ballots in person.
Plus, our rapid-response volunteers are watching for last-minute election changes -- like polling place changes or extended voting hours -- and sending text messages to voters to give them the information they need.
All the while, our Social Media Monitoring teams are monitoring social media sites like Facebook and Twitter -- watchdogging for the false, vote-suppressing content that we saw in 2016, pressuring platforms to take it down, and correcting the record with reliable facts.
Friend, this strategy works -- our team has already made a difference for tens of thousands of voters this year in state primaries and early voting.
Plus, we've seen an unprecedented level of volunteer interest -- with more than 5 times as many people signing up this year to do their part.
But... we’ll need to scale up this strategy big-time for this critical final week -- before every state votes at once, and the forces of vote-suppression go into overdrive.
Friend, I can’t emphasize enough that our Election Protection effort will be the difference-maker for millions of voters. Our actions, together, will determine whether people have a voice in this hugely important election, or are forced to choose between their health and their right to vote.
Common Cause has been doing this vital work for 50 years -- we know what works, and we know what to do when things go wrong. But like we always have -- we’re counting on supporters like you to step up and make our work possible.
One Common Cause member -- who agrees that our work is especially important right now -- has agreed to MATCH
all contributions up to $500,000 between now and the end of the month.
Friend, by stepping up right now, and helping
us unlock every dollar of these matching funds, you'll provide a
critical, final burst of momentum to protect EVERY voter's right to be
heard, and uphold our right to have a say in our nation's future.
So, if you agree that EVERY voice must count in this year’s historic elections, I need you to pitch in $3 or more to help us protect voters’ rights. Can you chip in so your gift can be matched today?
The right to vote is sacred -- and it requires our constant vigilance and dedication to protect.
I am absolutely privileged to work with dozens of Common Cause members who understand the importance of this moment -- and are willing to do whatever it takes for our democracy.
In common cause,
Izzy Bronstein, National Grassroots Organizer
and the team at Common Cause
P.S. Can’t spare a contribution today? You can still make a huge impact by signing up as a volunteer yourself -- even one three-hour shift between now and Election Day will make a difference for hundreds of voters, and we’ll give you all the training you need to get started!