We are proud to have collaborated with three young people to design a youth-led rapid response grant fund aimed at supporting students across the region with remote learning and mental health.
We had the chance to talk to Romeo Romero Sigle, Assistant Director of Pa’lante in Holyoke, MA, about the history of the organization, Pa’lante’s current youth-led and anti-racist work, and how the group has adjusted their practices and strategy during COVID-19. Read the series here.
Our partners at The Equity Institute recently announced their inaugural class of EduLead Fellows.This class features 15 teacher assistants and support professionals committed to attaining their bachelor’s degree and teacher certification.
Join #TogetherWeVote, a GOTV campaign for 2020 focused on messages of solidarity and unity for young Black, Indigenous and People of Color 18-35. The campaign offers weekly messages you can share out with your networks.
Join Boston Globe reporters today at noon as they respond to young people's questions about the 2020 Election in their Student Town Hall. Nellie Mae Vice President of Strategy & Programs Dr. Gislaine N. Ngounou will offer opening and closing remarks.