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DUP News Update   -   23th August 2019
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Work continues to see referendum result respected

Party Leader Arlene Foster met the Prime Minister in Downing Street this week
Party Leader Arlene Foster MLA and Deputy Leader Nigel Dodds MP met the Prime Minister Boris Johnson in Downing Street on Tuesday. It followed speculation the government may be considering a Northern Ireland only backstop.

Speaking afterwards Mrs Foster said,
“We want to see the referendum result implemented.  Those blocking Brexit are causing uncertainty but more worrying they are damaging democracy by ignoring the United Kingdom’s decision.
A sensible deal, between the United Kingdom and European Union which respects the economic and constitutional integrity of the United Kingdom, is the best way forward for everyone.  We were encouraged by the tone and language in Dublin on Monday. 
History teaches us that any deal relating to Northern Ireland which cannot command cross community support is doomed to failure. That is why the Northern Ireland backstop is flawed.  Not one single unionist MLA in the Northern Ireland Assembly supports it. 
The Prime Minister rejected a Northern Ireland only backstop in a letter to Donald Tusk on 19 August. It is undemocratic and unconstitutional and would place a tariff border between Northern Ireland and the rest of the United Kingdom. That would be unacceptable. 
During the meeting, the Prime Minister confirmed his rejection of the Northern Ireland only backstop and his commitment to securing a deal which works for the entire United Kingdom as well as our neighbours in the Republic of Ireland.”
Nigel Dodds interviewed on Newsnight following speculation about an NI backstop.
Sammy Wilson interviewed on Sky News today following further newspaper speculation.

Vision for Unionism: Beyond 2021

Party Leader Arlene Foster opened discussions at the Party's Autumn Policy Conference last weekend with a speech looking at the future of unionsm.
Arlene Foster speaking at the Autumn Policy Conference

Voting DUP mattters, Voting DUP delivers

DUP East Londonderry MP Gregory Campbell has said Sinn Fein begging for electoral pacts shows the party is running scared of the people.

Mr Campbell said,
The DUP has formed pro-union pacts in the past.  We want to see unionism working together.  That’s what our voters want.  I support maximising the unionist vote.  It why we were able to secure 10 seats in 2017 and deliver £1billion for Northern Ireland.

Sinn Fein, the SDLP and Alliance Party have always condemned our pacts.  Which makes the pleading of Sinn Fein MPs for a pact all the more intriguing.

2019 has seen further setbacks for Sinn Fein electorally. They blamed the poor EU election result on many of their supporters voting for other pro-remain candidates.  It was utter nonsense but typical Sinn Fein spin.

Sinn Fein’s offering to the electorate is thread bare. Their MPs sit outside Westminster complaining rather than take their seats. They block the Assembly by refusing to form an Executive. They have created chaos and are now fixated on who will win internal battles within the Party. They can’t even recognise that an extra £1 billion in extra funding for Northern Ireland’s schools, hospitals and roads is benefitting lives here.

Remain coalition or not -  voting DUP matters and voting DUP delivers”

Time to introduce mandatory autism training for teachers

DUP representatives Paul Girvan MP and Pam Cameron MLA have called on the Department of Education to introduce mandatory autism training for all teaching staff in Northern Ireland. The call came as a petition organised by Autism NI with over 10,000 signatures was presented at Stormont on Wednesday.
Speaking at the Paul Girvan MP said:
“1 in 30 children in Northern Ireland is diagnosed with autism and it is imperative that, as those children go through our education system, they receive the best possible educational experience. We want to create the best outcomes for all children and ensure those with autism reach their potential.
My office deals with many parents who day and daily face many challenges in relation to the education of their children with autism. One way we can help meet these challenges is for mandatory training for all teaching staff to be brought in. It will help teachers and pupils alike and I urge the Department to act quickly.”
Pam Cameron MLA, who chairs the NI Assembly All Party Group on Autism, added:
“With over 10,000 signatures on this petition, Autism NI has shown the depth of feeling within our community for the best support for teachers and pupils.
As a mother I know how important it is to give our children the best possible start in life. The best possible start in life would include the best educational outcomes for all children.
Teachers tell me they are struggling to cope in a situation which they have no experience in working in.  It makes sense to introduce mandatory autism training for all teaching staff as nearly every mainstream classroom in the country has a child with autism within it.
Therefore I will be advocating on behalf of the autism community for the Department of Education to introduce this critical training and to implement it immediately.
We want to see all children irrespective of circumstance reach their full potential in life and to transition into adulthood in the smoothest way possible.”
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