Enough Project

Dear Supporter,

A new day has dawned in Sudan, thanks to an unrelenting citizen protest movement whose objective is the complete transformation of the state. Now that a major benchmark in that effort has been achieved – the formation of a civilian administration – The Sentry and the Enough Project believe that the United States could utilize an expanded policy toolbox to support further positive change in Sudan.

In a new policy brief, The Sentry and Enough lay out the specifics of what should be in that toolbox. U.S. policy should first aim to strengthen the hand of reformers in the civilian government while limiting the influence of the spoilers of reform and peace, principally those associated with the military and security services. To achieve these goals, the United States and the broader international community should also direct economic and diplomatic pressures and incentives toward dismantling the violent kleptocratic elements that are still in place within Sudan’s kleptocratic system and that continue to threaten the success of Sudan’s transition.

Please click here to read the brief and as always, please feel free to be in touch with any questions or comments.


Brad Brooks-Rubin
Managing Director
Enough Project and The Sentry

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