
If you’re reading this, it means the U.S. Senate just confirmed President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court, against the will of the American people. It’s a discouraging night.

Though Mitch McConnell succeeded in ramming through this judge just days before a presidential election, he didn’t do it without a fight from Democrats like myself and my friends Senator Gary Peters of Michigan and Senator Doug Jones of Alabama.

Gary and Doug are both running in extremely competitive re-election races where they’re facing an onslaught of TV, radio, and digital attack ads from GOP dark money groups and McConnell-backed Super PACs. Despite the political risk, Gary and Doug made it clear from the beginning: they will vote against any nominee put on the floor until the American people's voices are heard and a new presidential term has started, and that’s what they did tonight.

Gary and Doug know what’s on the line: health care coverage for millions and protections for pre-existing conditions, reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights, voting rights, and so, so much more.

That’s why they did the right thing and opposed Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation, even though their Republican challengers both said they would have supported this illegitimate process and rushed a nominee through. With just 8 days left until Election Day, we can expect a new wave of attacks to emerge against Gary and Doug using their SCOTUS votes against them.

We absolutely need to keep Gary and Doug fighting for the people in the Senate if we’re going to take the gavel back from McConnell and start making progress on the issues facing our communities.

So, only if you’re able, will you make a split contribution to our campaigns today to help re-elect me, Gary, and Doug to the Senate so we can flip the Senate and keep fighting for you?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be processed automatically and split between Gary Peters, Doug Jones, and Cory Booker:

Gary and Doug stood up for the American people with their votes against Trump’s Supreme Court justice. Now, they need us to stand up for them.

— Cory