
The Senate just confirmed Amy Coney Barrett to sit on the Supreme Court for a lifetime appointment.

Despite tens of millions of votes having already been cast in this election, Senate Republicans followed through on their threat to rush Barrett through an unprecedented confirmation process.

They ignored Justice Ginsburg’s dying wish — a very reasonable request — to wait until a new president was inaugurated before filling her seat.

Today is a sobering reminder of what we’re up against. It’s a reminder of the character of our politics that we’re working to change.

Politics shouldn’t be about “winning” and “losing.” It shouldn’t be about Republicans finding clever, hypocritical ways to pack the courts or scoring political points for their base.

Politics should be about one thing only: improving lives and livelihoods for Americans.

Let’s remember this moment today, next Tuesday, and for years to come. Serve America is committed to continuing our work to elect service-driven leaders, and we’ve endorsed four U.S. Senate candidates to take back control of Congress:

  • Mark Kelly (Arizona)
  • Amy McGrath (Kentucky)
  • Adrian Perkins (Louisiana)
  • Cal Cunningham (North Carolina)

Many of our endorsed candidates will help decide control of the Senate — if you can, please rush a contribution to Serve America today so that we can make sure Mitch McConnell doesn’t get another chance to rush a justice through to the Supreme Court.




Serve America