Many Supreme Court cases start with bad laws at the state level. Take for example Arizona vs. United States in which the Supreme Court upheld Arizona state law SB 1070's notorious "show me your papers" provision. Setting a discriminatory precedent and allowing a law that invites racial profiling to stand.
Over the next eight days you have a chance to make sure bad laws like SB 1070 never get passed in the first place.
We chose to support 75 candidates in Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, and Texas because their Republican majorities are paper-thin and the policy stakes are huge. In most cases, we only need to flip a handful of seats to fix Republican-made state crises like racial gerrymandering and restrictions to Medicaid.
This election cycle has been like none other. Arena has been with our candidates every step of the way helping them adapt campaign tactics to the COVID-19 era and fight back against dirty Republican tactics. Your support makes our work possible.
Now, more than ever, electing Democrats to state legislatures is a critical line of defense for your most basic rights. Grassroots donors like you are going to make all the difference this year -- chip in before it’s too late.