Mitch McConnell’s Republican Senate just confirmed Amy Coney Barrett as the next Supreme Court justice -- destroying the women’s rights legacy Ruth Bader Ginsburg spent her entire life defending.
Barrett has made her anti-woman agenda clear: she strongly opposes abortion rights, has suggested that Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided, and, as a staunch originalist, she has promised to use the Constitution without accounting for our social progress -- frozen in a time where women had no rights.
As Donald Trump’s third confirmed justice, Barrett has now locked a 6-3 conservative majority on our highest court -- giving Republicans seemingly free rein to destroy the Affordable Care Act, threaten reproductive justice, and hand Trump a contested election.
We need to act now, not only defend RBG’s legacy but also to ensure that we have progressive women in positions of power who will lead the fight against the worst of the GOP’s excesses and expand our Democratic delegations in the House to prevent Trump from stealing this election.
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