They actually did it. Now, make sure it NEVER happens again. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Donate to elect bold Democrats to the U.S. Senate who will kick Mitch McConnell OUT of his seat and OUT of power -- plus keep Republicans from EVER forcing through an unqualified, illegitimate Supreme Court justice again >>
It's done: Senate Republicans just confirmed Amy Coney Barrett as the ninth justice on the Supreme Court. She will serve for decades as the living embodiment of the WORST of the Trump administration.
This was NOT the work of democracy. Republicans stole this seat, rushed the process, risked lives in a deadly pandemic, and forced through an extreme nominee.
We must never let them do this again. And the first step in keeping that promise is flipping the Senate in just 8 days. Your donation RIGHT NOW can take power back from a party that's PROVEN they can't be trusted with it.
All the experts agree we CAN flip the Senate, but it has to happen immediately -- so don't delay: Rush a donation right now to flip the Senate, and defeat Republicans!
In her floor speech on Sunday night opposing the nomination, Senator Elizabeth Warren said, "The Republican Party is scared that they can't win through the democratic process. Scared that they can't win by playing by the rules. That they can't win when the American people decide the outcome."
Then she continued: "Let's be very clear. If Trump and Republicans succeed in ramming this nomination through, the American people will expect us to use every tool we have to undo the damage and restore the court’s integrity."
Donate now to show the Republican Party just how right they were to be scared of us -- and prove that our grassroots democracy will win against corruption.
Thanks for being a bold progressive.
-- The PCCC Elections Team (@BoldProgressive), still seething
P.S. Please also bookmark these ActBlue links and use them when you want to donate to Senate candidates or House candidates or progressive champions running for state legislatures. That way the candidates know your money came from progressives. And, when you have time, call voters for progressive red to BOLD House candidates running to flip red seats in districts Biden needs.
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Paid for by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee PAC (
www.BoldProgressives.org) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to the PCCC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
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