Come to a Mass Meeting
Sunday September 22
11:00 am Steinbruck Center 1226 Vermont Avenue NW, Washington DC
Event will be streamed on
to Consider and Plan for Sustained Non Violent Mass Protest Beginning this October
Puerto Rico and Hong Kong show the way: Thousands Becoming Millions

We Must Take to the Streets in Non Violent Protest
Week After Week becoming Day After Day
Not Stopping Until the Demand is Met: THE TRUMP/PENCE REGIME MUST GO – NOW!
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Concentration Camps on the border...the earth melts and burns...the danger of war, even nuclear...white supremacy rules...fascist mobs and mass murderers...truth and science erased...the right to abortion near gone...democratic and civil rights stripped away...THIS IS FASCISM UNFOLDING.
The Democratic Party facilitates all of this – voting for the wall; refusing to impeach which they have shown and told you they will not urgently pursue. Waiting on 2020 is immoral and dangerous: If you will not take to the streets now, what will you do if Trump wins? What will you do if he loses, but refuses to leave office? History shows it can become too late to stop fascism.
The world as we have known it is being torn asunder. This requires getting out of our comfort zones and not allowing our differences to stand in the way of rising together in an unprecedented, unrelenting mass struggle to confront the danger of a Trump/Pence fascist America. The Trump/Pence Regime Must Be OUT NOW!
> > Donate to spread the message, funding outreach teams September 20-23

Friday September 20 Global Climate Strike many cities
Saturday September 21 We The People March Washington DC + 50 cities
September 21, Refuse Fascism contingents will join We the People marches in Washington DC and elsewhere to raise the demand “Trump and Pence must go!” We support the Global Climate Strike from September 20-27 and the September 23 call for mass civil disobedience to #shutdownDC, because people do need to act like “our house is on fire.”
Calling east coast supporters to join the RefuseFascism contingent in Washington DC Saturday 9/21. Sign up for transportation with Philadelphia chapter or contact NYC chapter
> > Sign up to bring the RefuseFascism mission of sustained non-violent protests with the single unifying demand of #TrumpPenceMustGo to these protests, or wherever you are. Share the Facebook event is a movement of people coming from diverse perspectives, united in our recognition that the Trump/Pence Regime poses a catastrophic danger to humanity and the planet, and that it is our responsibility to drive them from power through non-violent protests that grow until our demand is met: This Nightmare Must End: The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go! We welcome individuals and organizations from many different points of view who share our determination to refuse to accept a fascist America, to join and/or partner with us in this great cause. national team
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