Dear John,
Tonight at midnight is the final campaign finance deadline in this race. Here's what I've been up to:
Today consisted of running around DC like a crazy person trying to make sure every last detail is ready for the start of in-person voting tomorrow.
I have been speaking with voters all around town, seeing our incredible volunteers hard at work, and getting updates from my dedicated staff on our progress.
There's only one more thing I need to take care of -- we're still behind $1,072 where we need to be before tonight's deadline. John, here's a personal link for you to step up, chip in, and help us hit our final goal to fully fund the last week of our campaign budget.
I've been awed and humbled by your support for this entire race. After tonight, there's only a week to go. Please step up now and be counted on our FINAL campaign finance report.
Seriously, don't procrastinate... Let's hit this goal and get those votes tomorrow.
Yours in the fight,
-- Marcus
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