From Mikie Sherrill <[email protected]>
Subject really quick
Date October 26, 2020 9:59 PM
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Mikie Sherrill :: U.S. Congress

Hi, everyone -- it's Sunday night, and if it's anything like mine, you're making sure your kids finish their homework while trying to tire out a new puppy. So I'll keep this quick.

We flipped New Jersey's 11th blue in 2018. Now, let's show everybody that it's not flipping back any time soon.

Outside groups are spending $110 million to defeat Democrats like me, and your generous contributions have already done so much to fortify our campaign against the attacks. With only a few days left to go, every additional dollar makes a difference. If you can, chip in again, and I'll personally make sure your contribution is matched.

Thank you for all you do,


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