John -

You might think it’s corny but I believe in the power of raising the roof, whether as a dance move or increasing the number of Democrats in the House. As a dance move, it’s a great workout, can be done to any beat, and everyone looks good (or at least charmingly bad) doing it.

More importantly, when it comes to this election cycle, increasing our numbers in Congress will strengthen our ability to get progressive, humanity-first legislation passed.

I know everyone has their eyes on the Senate races, and rightfully so, they are crucially important. That being said, we cannot forget the major long term impact of flipping House seats, as well.

Qasim’s campaign has great potential to be one of those seats we flip, which is why he needs your maximum support. Donate now to give him the resources to flip this red district NOW. 

He has been running compelling television ads across the district, and they’re making a strong impact. He is within single digits of his opponent, and has seen record voter turnout in the district, thus far.

Qasim can win this, but he needs your help. Stand with me by supporting his campaign and donating what you can today.

With your support we’ll ensure there is more compassion, innovative thinking, and ability to get things done with Qasim in office.


Thank you,

Andrew Yang


Qasim Rashid is a human rights lawyer who has dedicated his life to supporting women who are survivors of domestic and sexual violence, and to serving children from vulnerable communities. Qasim is running to transform his advocacy into results for the working families of Virginia’s 1st District.

Qasim aspires for a campaign built on transparency and trust, and is putting in the work to connect with voters districtwide. Together, you and Qasim, can make Virginia an even better place to call home.
Contribute now.



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Rashid for VA
PO BOX 489
United States