Join the campaign to raise awareness of the harms of pornography
This Week is White Ribbon Against Pornography (WRAP) Week ([link removed])
Every year during the last week of October, we look forward to participating in WRAP week with so many advocates and allies around the world. WRAP week was started in 1987 and since then many groups have joined and participated, giving the campaign a life of its own!
Usually this campaign involves wearing a white ribbon for the week (or on your car, like the founder Norma Norris ([link removed])), but this year we're working as best we can virtually!
To participate in WRAP Week virtually, share your white ribbon online by sharing the truth about pornography via social media using #WRAPWeek and #PornHarms.
We look forward to building momentum, raising awareness, and creating change in the movement this week!
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Defending Dignity Weekly Newsletter
Highlights: Graphics, Research, and Videos To Share This WRAP Week!
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Groundbreaking Training on Public Health Harms of Pornography Launched in Liberia ([link removed])
Our former International Fellow from Liberia, Alvin Winford, is continuing to do great things in his home country!
As Program Manager of the African Network for the Prevention and Protection Against Child Abuse, he has built and launched trainings for government, NGO, and community leaders on the public health harms of pornography.
Prior to this first training, child advocacy organizations in Liberia had received little to no training on the imapcts of pornography.
We're thrilled to see the movement growing in Liberia and would love for those who are working internationally to get involved ([link removed]) in their home countries as well by connecting with the International Centre on Sexual Exploitation.
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Research Summary of 99 Peer-Reviewed Articles ([link removed])
We read through 99 peer-reviewed articles so you don't have to!
Children are being exposed to pornography younger and younger, all while their brains and sexual templates are still developing.
In our Public Health Harms of Pornography Research Summary ([link removed]), we present research that shows pornography has neurological, psychological, and social harms.
It's important that this research is shared widely and used to inform parents, educators, and legislators alike!
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Ready or Not, Porn is Influencing the Way Teens Think About Sex and Intimacy ([link removed])
Natale McAneney, Executive Director of Fight the New Drug, talks about young people today and how they are learning about sex, intimacy, and relationships: the internet.
Pornography negatively influences rising generations' expectations for relationships and the culture they are surrounded in.
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Remembering Collin Kartchner, a Giant in The Movement Against Sexual Exploitation ([link removed])
Last week, the movement to end sexual exploitation lost a very special advocate.
Collin Kartchner is remembered for his zing, energy, and fierce activism. He was a champion of mental health and one of the most influential voices fighting for kids growing up in this tech-obsessed world.
Collin founded #SaveTheKids, and helped parents and kids realize the harms of smart phones, Snapchat, Tik Tok, and more. His work altogether was a powerful call to #ProtectChildrenOnline ([link removed]).
Let's honor his life by keeping his work going!
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Take Action this WRAP Week:
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With gratitude,
Dawn Hawkins
Sr. Vice President & Executive Director
National Center on Sexual Exploitation
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