Trump Campaigns on Immigration! "How The Hell Do You Have A Country If You Don't Have Borders?"; The Bangladeshi-Neanderthal Connection—Yet More Evidence Of A Genetic Factor In Covid-19; etc. (61 items, 10/26/2020)


Appearing first in the VDARE.com traffic Top Five (up two spots from last week!): Wayne Allensworth’s This Coming Leftist Coup Could Backfire—Like 1991 In Soviet Union. We are all hungry for some optimism.

In second, Michelle Malkin on Critical Race Theory And The Disunited States Of Oppression.

But in third: if it’s really so bad, Mike Scruggs asks “Hey, BLM—Why Didn’t Robert E. Lee’s Black Teamsters Desert After Gettysburg?

Bad news in fourth: Steve Sailer reports Borat Is Back, And He Really Hates Trump.

And finally, in fifth again this week: Steve Sailer on NYT: Trump’s Last Stand For White America.

Featured Articles

Sunday October 25, 2020

Author Lance Welton

The Bangladeshi-Neanderthal Connection—Yet More Evidence Of A Genetic Factor In Covid-19

Sunday October 25, 2020

Author Angie Saxon

Kamala Harris: Racism Begins at Home

Saturday October 24, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

John Derbyshire: Give Us Liberty Or Give Us Artificial Intelligence Victory Over China? I Choose Liberty

Friday October 23, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

John Derbyshire: The Moral Case For Trump—He Made His Money In Business, Biden Made His In Politics

Thursday October 22, 2020

Author Washington Watcher II

Stupid Party Hacks Try To Dump Trump, Again. They Will Regret It, AGAIN

Wednesday October 21, 2020

Author Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter: Trump NEEDS To Talk Immigration, It's What Won For Him Last Time!

Tuesday October 20, 2020

Author Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin: Critical Race Theory And The Disunited States Of Oppression

Tuesday October 20, 2020

Author Mike Scruggs

Hey, BLM—Why Didn’t Robert E. Lee’s Black Teamsters Desert After Gettysburg?

Monday October 19, 2020

Author Martin Witkerk

A Fair French-Language Survey Of American White Identitarianism! (But When Will It Appear In English?)

Blog Posts

Monday October 26, 2020

Author Virginia Dare

Halloween Stream 2020 With Authors of THE SACRED FURY! [See Review By John Derbyshire]

Monday October 26, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

Nate Silver's 538 Attacks NHL For Being "Too White"...Unlike The "Diverse " NBA (19% White) And NFL (27% White)

Monday October 26, 2020

Author Virginia Dare

New Opportunity! Participate in VDARE's Podcast With Steve Sailer!

Monday October 26, 2020

Author Virginia Dare

So What Is Biden's Vision For America?

Monday October 26, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

Putin: Bidens Are Not Corrupt (By Putin's Standards)

Monday October 26, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

JFK, Mayor Daley, And The Joy of Counting Your Votes Last

Sunday October 25, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

Feds: In 2018, Blacks Violently Victimized Asians 275+ Times as Often as Asians Violently Victimized Blacks

Sunday October 25, 2020

Author James Fulford

In North Carolina And Ohio, Trump Speaks On The War On Christmas: He's On The Side Of The Angels

Sunday October 25, 2020

Author James Fulford

Trump On Immigration In Lumberton, NC: Biden Would Trigger "Tsunami " Of Illegal Immigration, "Walls Are Not Obsolete"

Sunday October 25, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

SLATE: Beethoven Has a First Name

Sunday October 25, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

2020 ACT Scores: Asians Pulling Away, Same as on SAT

Saturday October 24, 2020

Author Benjamin Villaroel

The War On Whites And White Heritage Has Arrived In Chile

Saturday October 24, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin's Cleavage: The Evolutionary Psychology Angle

Saturday October 24, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

Suggestion For The British Government: House Illegal Immigrants In Prison Hulks

Saturday October 24, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

TIME Magazine Wants Your Dog To Die Because Veterinarians Are "Too White"

Saturday October 24, 2020

Author Allan Wall

ANOTHER Puerto Rico Statehood Referendum On The Ballot For November 3rd—"Sixth Time’s a Charm?"

Saturday October 24, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

The Triumph Of Ibram X. Kendi's Logic: The Kids MUST Be Equal, So The Tests Are At Fault

Saturday October 24, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

The Racial Reckoning Comes for the Veterinarians

Saturday October 24, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

WASHINGTON POST: In Case a Jury Decides George Floyd Died of Drugs and Bad Health, Well, Blacks Ruining Their Health with Drugs Is the Fault of White Supremacy Too

Friday October 23, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

KIPP Schools Junk Their Famous "Work Hard, Be Nice" Slogan As Not Anti-Racist

Friday October 23, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

INDEPENDENT: Sacha Baron Cohen Survived 'Cancel Culture' by Evolving Instead of Moaning (I.E He REALLY Loves Big Brother)

Friday October 23, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

Her Name Is Christine Summers: 53-year-old White Woman Murdered By Black Male Who Said Trump Made Him "Kill A White Lady"

Friday October 23, 2020

Author James Kirkpatrick

Biden Calls For Nation-Busting Amnesty In Final Debate

Thursday October 22, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

The CAREN Law: San Francisco To Vote On Punishing Citizens For Calling Police On Blacks

Thursday October 22, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

USAF Recruiting Service Commander Declares Reducing the Number of White Male Pilots A "War-Fighting Imperative"

Thursday October 22, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

Australia Continues to CRUSH Its Former Problem with Racial Gaps

Thursday October 22, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

Why Are There So Many L.A. Dodger Fans in Dallas-Fort Worth?

Wednesday October 21, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

The Great Reset Comes For The One Good Public High School In SF

Wednesday October 21, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

China's Approach To Diversity A Photographic Negative Of Ours

Wednesday October 21, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

Radio Derb Transcript Up For October 16: Amy Keeps A Straight Face, Olberman Lets Loose, And Court-Packing Looms, Etc.

Wednesday October 21, 2020

Author James Fulford

Trump In Erie, PA: "How The Hell Do You Have A Country If You Don't Have Borders?"

Wednesday October 21, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

Sailer In TakiMag: Why Is Wokeness Winning?

Tuesday October 20, 2020

Author Washington Watcher II

DOJ Sues Google. Is This A Sign The Trump Admin Is Waking Up?

Tuesday October 20, 2020

Author Federale

Deport The Duke And Duchess Of Sussex

Tuesday October 20, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

Black Durham (NC) Sheriff Admits Violent Crime In His City Is Almost Always Black-on-Black

Tuesday October 20, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

A Reporter Asks Joe Biden About HunterGate

Tuesday October 20, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

Decapitation Inspires France To Expel Hundreds Of Muslim Activists And Radicals

Monday October 19, 2020

Author Paul Nachman

Liberals: Informed By Their Ignorance ... And Adamant About It

Monday October 19, 2020

Author James Kirkpatrick

Greece Building The Wall. Why Can't We?

Monday October 19, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

Wait A Minute ... When The NEW YORKER Wargames The Election, Trump Is Played By ... Masha Gessen??

Monday October 19, 2020

Author James Fulford

Former Biden Advisor Anna Makanju Is Ukrainian, Nigerian, AND Jewish: What Kind Of "Collusion" Is She Committing On Facebook?

Monday October 19, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

Borat Is Back, And He Really Hates Trump

Monday October 19, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

Emmett Till: Repetition As Liturgy

Monday October 19, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

NYT Columnists: Our Journalists Have Sacrificed Their Mental Health

Monday October 19, 2020

Author Virginia Dare

Unmasked: The Truth About Antifa


Vdare TV

Radio Derb

Syndicated Columns

Thursday October 22, 2020

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: America Now A Land Of Ceaseless Conflict

Monday October 19, 2020

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: Can America Do It All?


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