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Whew! This year's DC LaborFest started in April, right after the pandemic lockdown sent into effect, and except for a brief break in July, we've been showing labor films every week since.
I hope these Tuesday evenings together have brought you as much comfort and solidarity as they have me. In a year unlike any we've seen before, this was a welcome chance to come together -- albeit virtually -- and laugh, cry and share some much-needed cinematic solidarity.
I hope you'll join me for tomorrow's screening of Atlantics, a "supernatural romantic drama" based on the disappearance of a group of unpaid construction workers. We'll be off next week for Election Day -- be sure to vote and urge everyone you know to do so as well! -- and will likely return to our usual monthly schedule after that. We'll keep you posted here and of course on our [link removed] website.
The 2020 series has been organized and sponsored by the DC LaborFest/DC Labor FilmFest, and co-sponsored by American University's Center for Media & Social Impact, Coalition of Labor Union Women, Labor Heritage Foundation, Rochester Labor Film Series, Women Make Movies' OWOV (One Woman One Vote) Festival.
All our screenings this year have been online and free, thanks as always to festival sponsor American Income Life for their generous support.
See you at the movies!
- Chris Garlock, Director, DC LaborFest
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Tuesday, October 27
7p, FREE via Zoom; [link removed] RSVP here
2019; 92m; drama
Second screening just added! 1p EDT: screening by the London Labour FilmFest, includes book launch of `The Cinema of the Precariat' with special guest author Tom Zaniello. [link removed] RSVP here
After a group of unpaid construction workers disappears at sea one night in search of a better life abroad, the women they have left behind in Dakar are overwhelmed with a mysterious fever. Ada, 17, secretly grieves for her love Souleiman, one of the departed workers, but she has been promised to another man. After a fire breaks out on her wedding night, a young policeman is sent to investigate the crime. Little does he know that the aggrieved workers have come back as haunting, possessive spirits. While many of them seek vengeance for their unpaid labor, Souleiman has come back for a different purpose - to be with his Ada one last time.
[link removed] CLICK HERE for updates on the Fall 2020 Labor Filmfest line-up.
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source for all news items and as the source for Today's Labor History.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members. DYANA FORESTER, PRESIDENT.
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