Next week US voters will decide if Donald Trump gets another term in office. On Wednesday, the latest the HOPE not hate magazine comes out, all about what's stake. Become a member today and get a free copy.

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HOPE not hate

John --

Sixty one million people have already cast their ballots in the US election, and there’s still more than a week to go.

As Joe Biden puts it – this election is a battle for the soul of a nation. Donald Trump’s potential re-election will have a profound effect on the United States - but it is also of huge importance for Britain too.

We’re publishing the latest HOPE not hate magazine on Wednesday. It’s full of US election analysis. We’re sending a free copy to anyone who signs up to support our work by becoming a member.

Donald Trump is a disaster.

He is a racist who who peddles in tropes, he encourages police brutality, and he wields his power to attack immigrants, Muslims and other minority groups. 

He stokes the far-right undercurrents of society – cheerleading of ‘alt right’ and defending white supremacists.

This new magazine has loads of really fascinating insights and analysis. We’re publishing brand new polling which underlines the sheer polarisation of the country, and the extent to which Trump supporters are becoming more extreme. We’re publishing interviews with campaigners on the ground to describe the upswell of inspiring activism, and strategists who describe the currents that are swirling around US politics. And we have helpful watch guides with races to watch on election night - to cheer on hopeful progressives to victory and to jeer hateful Trump supporting candidates as they (hopefully!) lose. 

This US election special is absolutely packed. If you want your own copy in the post, let us know - we’re sending it to every member who wants one. Click here to join and we’ll get you your free copy in the post on Wednesday.

Thank you.

Nick Lowles
HOPE not hate

PS: If you can’t become a member, don’t worry, we’ll be posting some highlights from the magazine on our website before election day. Follow us on Twitter or Facebook to get notifications of when the content goes live.

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