Folks, Republicans are pulling out all the stops to defeat John Hickenlooper and keep Colorado’s Senate seat red.

Dark money donors have flooded Colorado with millions of dollars and Republicans are outspending us 2:1. And polls have been tightening: the three latest polls show a tight, single-digit race.

But it gets worse. We’re behind on our October goal — the final fundraising deadline before the election. Without a surge in grassroots support, we won’t have the resources to fight back against the nasty Republican attacks.

John will be the independent leader Colorado deserves. But he’s at real risk of falling short at the ballot box next week if we don’t reach our fundraising goal. Please, rush anything you can to help us flip Colorado blue.

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Mitch McConnell’s dark money allies and super PACs have been attacking John since day one. And if we can’t make up our fundraising gap this month, they just might get away with it.

That’s why we’re counting on your support.


Team Hick