A new poll shows Kara Eastman taking the lead over Rep. Don Bacon in NE-02 -- the district that could decide the 2020 Presidential race.

John, I just heard some incredible news.

A new poll shows Kara Eastman taking the lead over Rep. Don Bacon in NE-02 -- the district that could decide the 2020 Presidential race.

But in a desperate attempt to secure NE-02’s crucial electoral college vote and save Bacon’s seat, the GOP is flooding the district with $2.2 million.

Kara can win but she can’t do it alone. So I’m personally reaching out to ask you to pitch in to help her keep this narrow lead. Please chip in at this make or break moment.

There are two things you need to know:

--This is the most consequential election of our lifetime. The fate of our democracy and the future of our planet are at stake.

-- Our movement needs strong progressive leaders in Congress-- leaders who will fight for affordable health care, a Green New Deal, and justice for all.

Kara Eastman is one of those leaders, which is why we need her to win and replace the most vulnerable Republican in Congress.

Will you join me in supporting her by chipping in $5 now?


Right now, Republicans are pouring money into Kara’s district to fund false smear ads to try to defeat her.

They’re terrified of our movement defeating Don Bacon AND Donald Trump -- as they should be!

But Kara can only win if people like you step up to support her in the last 8 days of this campaign.

John, this is the moment to organize against these dirty tactics -- not agonize. Kara needs our help to fight back immediately and keep her narrow lead. Will you chip in $5 now?

Chip in $5 now >>

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Keep fighting,

Ed Markey

Ed Markey

Senator Ed Markey (D-MA)


Kara Eastman is running to flip Nebraska's second district from red to blue. She has dedicated her entire career to bettering her community through nonprofits and social work. She was inspired to run for office after her mom got cancer for the 5th time, and was prescribed a pill that cost $2500. Kara's mom chose to keep her house, and lost her battle with cancer after losing her life-savings to cancer drugs. As Kara watched her Republican Representative Don Bacon vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act and rob millions of their access to health care, she knew she couldn't sit on the sidelines.

If you want to support Kara's campaign for Congress, please rush in a donation here. >>

Another thing -- we know we send a lot of fundraising emails. It's because Kara has pledged not to take a cent of corporate PAC money. Unlike her Republican opponent, she relies on this grassroots community to fund her campaign. If you'd like to receive fewer emails from Kara, please click here. We'd hate to lose you completely, but if you'd like to unsubscribe, please click here.

We can't tell you how much Kara appreciates your grassroots support!

7117 Farnam St, Ste. 2, Omaha, NE 68132
[email protected]


Paid for by Eastman for Congress