English Democrats

English Democrats

The 2nd Edition of the only English Nationalist Newspaper MUST be Printed!

Will YOU be part of this historical publication, Friend?


Friend, the first edition of English Patriot has officially SOLD OUT!

This ground-breaking Newspaper caused shockwaves among the liberal-leftie elite and their snowflake followers.

We are Smashing the Fake News Media, Friend!

With Facebook, YouTube and Twitter CENSORING Patriots across the world, the English Patriot is the most EFFECTIVE and POWERFUL way to get our message out and wake up the English people before it it too late!

Will YOU help me produce, print and distribute 50,000 of the 2nd edition of the ‘ENGLISH PATRIOT’ Newspapers, Friend?

The liberals can keep their DYING social media platforms. Nothing is more powerful that a professional, well-written Newspaper to inspire the English people into ACTION.

An army of individuals in their bedrooms is not an army. So, how are we going to build a political army? Not online, but on the streets? I’m talking about real POWER!

English Patriot is the Most Powerful Weapon in our Arsenal and Our Enemies Know it!

This won’t be cheap, but it must be done. We’ve worked out what we need not just to start this vital project, but also to keep it going until it funds itself as it spreads practical, English Nationalist ideals/

That figure is £7,900, and I need your passion and love for OUR England to help me raise this. Will you stand with me and be part of England’s struggle for her very survival or will you sit back and play the role of spectator?

I’m in this for the long haul, so I need your help, Friend!

I know our people, how dedicated they are to this cause, how much they love OUR England and I think I know you well enough, Friend,and I am confident that now you will help us keep English Patriot alive!

In generations to come, people will remember the English Patriot Newspaper as a turning point in English Nationalism, as the Paper that summoned MILLIONS to the flag and breathed new life into the English nation.

  Friend, are you with me?

Yours sincerely

Robin Tilbrook

Chairman - The English Democrats

General Enquires: 0207 242 1066

Press Enquires: 01293 873 894


English Democrats Party · PO Box 1066, 
Norwich NR14 6ZJ, United Kingdom
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