TAP presents the case for Universal Family Care
Confronting the Crisis in Caregiving
A Special Report on Universal Family Care

When it comes to helping people care for family, the country is failing. It’s time to examine this basic inhumanity and offer ideas for fixing it. The American Prospect has partnered with Caring Across Generations to produce a special report on how family care works right now and the universal solution that can make it better.

Part I: Caregiving In Crisis
Part II: The Social Insurance Solution
  • Brittany Gibson looks at family care models from around the world, finding options for a universal family care program in the U.S.
  • Gabrielle Gurley focuses on Washington state, which has instituted a social insurance program for long-term care, paid family and medical leave, and a cap on child care expenses for low-income families. It’s the closest to a Care For All state in the U.S.
  • Rachel M. Cohen analyzes the politics of family care, including new polling showing a universal system to be popular.
  • Seth Borgos and Dorian Warren highlight activism around child care as a case study in how to build a care movement.
Parting Shot
Watch the Discussion
The Crisis in Family Care, and How to Fix It
Ai-jen Poo, director of the Care in Action, joins The American Prospect's executive editor David Dayen for a conversation on Family Care, and why this issue needs to be at the top of the nation's legislative agenda. With family caregiver Lynnea Redmon-Williams, and Prospect writers Brittany Gibson, Rhacel Salazar Parreñas, and Tasmiha Khan. Now streaming on YouTube.
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