LAST CHANCE to Help Get Amy Coney Barrett CONFIRMED!

During Judge Barrett’s confirmation hearings, even liberal media were impressed by her lack of notes as she answered question after question. Now, she’s become a “meme-phenomenon” with her blank notepad in hand.
It became clear last week that the list of reasons not to confirm Judge Barrett were as long as the notes on Judge Barrett’s blank notepad. This is why her nomination passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee with a unanimous 12-0 vote, and why protesting Democrats staged antics instead of actually doing their job to participate in the committee vote.
The full Senate is expected to approve Judge Barrett as the Supreme Court’s next Justice, the fifth woman to serve on the highest court.
The future of the Constitution and the proper roles of our branches of government look bright with a Judge Barrett confirmation. Many of the serious threats America faces today to life, family, religious freedom and more found their genesis in bad court decisions where judges or justices attempted to legislate from the bench. Judge’s Barrett’s confirmation is a beacon of hope that the tide is turning back to the proper role of the judiciary — to apply the law equally to all, and to interpret (not create) law as it was intended to mean when written.
But the majority needs as many votes as possible.
If you haven’t yet, please take a moment to write your two Senators, asking them to vote YES to confirm Judge Barrett today!
The vote is expected today, so time is running out to add your voice to those calling for Judge Barrett’s confirmation!
Thank you for taking action!
 Autumn Leva Vice President, Strategy
P.S. By the way, we’ve made it easy to send a message to your Senators through our Action Center. It only takes 1 minute!
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