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Proposed new laws to introduce assisted dying in Scotland will come before MSPs in the next Scottish Parliament after May's election, campaigners have said.
Women are being pushed into putting their health and confidentiality at risk when seeking emergency contraception due to being forced to answer highly personal questions in front of other customers in the wake of the pandemic.
A gay retired teacher who was abused and murdered by a churchwarden was "vulnerable to exploitation" because of the church's anti-gay policies, an independent investigation found.
A Mexican broadcast company says Francis made the comments to its correspondent more than a year ago, and people close to the company say the Vatican then edited them out.
France recalled its ambassador on Saturday after Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said his counterpart Emmanuel Macron needed mental help over his attitude towards Muslims.
France has urged Middle Eastern countries to end calls for a boycott of its goods in protest at President Emmanuel Macron's defence of the right to show cartoons of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
Thousands of activists disrupted church services across Poland on Sunday, chanting during mass and spraying slogans on walls to protest against a court ruling that amounts to a near-total ban on abortion.
The British Medical Association's opposition to assisted dying is at odds with its members' views. There's now a chance for the BMA and parliamentarians to stand up to religious obstructionism, says Dr Antony Lempert.
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