Friend —

Today, I’m gravely disappointed to report that the Senate took a key procedural vote to advance the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. I voted against moving her nomination forward.

Mitch McConnell and the GOP are now moving toward a final vote on President Trump’s nominee to a lifetime appointment on the highest court in the land — in the middle of an election in which more than 2.2 million New Jersyans and more than 55 million Americans have already voted.

This illegitimate process is a sham that goes directly against the will of the American people.

Trump and the GOP are trying to rush a nominee to the Court to overturn the Affordable Care Act and repeal health care coverage and protections for preexisting conditions for tens of millions of people. In the middle of a pandemic.

It’s unconscionable, and it’s why we absolutely need to take back the Senate from McConnell’s control just 9 days from now.

So, if you’re able to, please make a contribution of $10 or whatever you can today to support our grassroots campaign in its final 9 days to flip the Senate, put an end to McConnell’s and Trump’s destructive partisan politics, and move our country forward.

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I know that if we come together, we can and will rise up from this.

— Cory