
It turns out our Republican opponent Jaime Herrera Beutler is running yet ANOTHER misleading ad attacking Carolyn, and she’s getting called out for it.

The Stranger reports “Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler Runs Misleading Ad Citing Pharma-Backed Study.” The ad in question claims that Carolyn "supports a radical healthcare scheme that would close Washington hospitals," and then flashes the quote, “HALF OF RURAL HOSPITALS COULD CLOSE."

That’s a lie.

Carolyn supports improving upon the Affordable Care Act by working to pass a low-deductible public option to compete with private insurers and expand coverage while we work towards health care for all.

Herrera Beutler’s attacks come straight from a study paid for by Big Pharma and the insurance companies. And it’s no wonder why — she’s taken more than $1.9 million from corporate special interests like these.

Look, there’s one candidate in this race who wants to defend our current health care system, improve access and affordability, and lower the prices of prescription drugs — and that’s Carolyn Long.

With only 9 days left in this highly competitive race for Washington’s 3rd congressional district, can you chip in $10 or whatever you’re able to help us fight back against these misleading ads from our opponent and help Carolyn win?

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— Team Long