
On Tuesday night our team was in North Carolina campaigning on behalf of Serve America candidate Dan McCready in what was an extremely close special election.

Though he lost on Tuesday night by a couple thousand votes, Dan made a safe Republican seat competitive.

He spent the last three years campaigning with strength and dignity. Time and again, he has shown us what true, principled leadership looks like. And in a district where Trump won by 12 points--his race shouldn’t have been competitive. But it was.

Despite Republican attempts to literally steal this seat with ballot fraud (you know, the thing Donald Trump accuses Democrats of doing) Dan didn’t back down. This race is a proof point--that Democrats can win anywhere when we have great candidates who embrace our values and have the courage to have honest, frank conversations about how to meet the challenges we face.

We have a long road ahead of us to make sure we guarantee every voice is heard and every vote is counted. His race--overturned by the state board of elections in 2018 for ballot fraud--underscores the need we have for a new Voting Rights Act in this country. And it’s something I’ll continue to fight for in Congress.

I’ll also continue to fight for Dan, who has a bright future ahead of him--whatever he decides to do next.

Continue to stand with me and candidates like Dan who will bring the fight in 2020 by making a contribution right now. Your generosity allows us to support candidates like Dan in key races across the country between now and next November.

