Friend, we are in a dire moment for our democracy.
And in the coming days, you and I will be asked to fight to defend a principle I never thought we would need to -- even during the Trump era.
That’s because what’s on the table is nothing less than whether or not the American people get to pick our own leaders.
Here’s why: on Monday, the Senate will likely vote to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court -- right in the middle of a presidential election with early voting already under way!
Why? Because Mitch McConnell decided that rushing to fill this seat before the election was more important than the Senate's responsibility to thoroughly vet nominees before giving them a lifetime appointment.
Meanwhile, Trump is continuing his relentless (and baseless) disinformation campaign against mail-in voting. Plus, the RNC has set aside a $20 million budget for election litigation -- meaning they’re ready to litigate and take full advantage of Trump’s efforts to sow mistrust in our democracy.
That's right -- it is entirely possible that if 2020 election disputes go before the Supreme Court, Trump’s rushed Supreme Court nominee could be the one to cast a deciding vote in his favor.
Friend, right now, American democracy is under threat, more so than any other time in Common Cause’s 50-year history.
But here’s the solution. You and I must work with every ounce of energy we’ve got in these final days -- and not lose focus for a second on our mission. Every single vote must count, period.
So that’s why, even if you are feeling anxious or discouraged right now, I urge you to help us turn this worry into work -- the work of organizing the fight for the very future of our democracy.
Common Cause is putting every resource we can muster into our Election Protection efforts -- now made all the more necessary by the Senate's cynical power grab and the unprecedented efforts by the GOP and Trump to suppress the vote.
We must redouble our efforts. We are mobilizing thousands of nonpartisan Election Protection volunteers, who will help millions of voters during early voting -- already in progress in many states -- and on Election Day.
We are working directly with local election officials as they prepare for a major uptick in mail-in voting. And we still must stand vigilant to stop coordinated online disinformation attacks that seek to suppress voters or interfere with our free and fair elections.
This new state of affairs means it is particularly important, for the very legitimacy of our institutions, to do everything possible to prevent a disputed election outcome -- and that means ensuring our systems are as safe, secure, and transparent as possible.
That's why one Common Cause member -- who shares your belief and mine that our work is especially important right now -- has agreed to MATCH all contributions up to $500,000 between now and the end of the month.
Friend, by stepping up right now, and helping us unlock every dollar of these matching funds, you'll provide a critical, final burst of momentum to protect EVERY voter's right to be heard, and uphold our right to have a say in our nation's future.
I’m writing to urge you to recommit yourself to this urgent fight for the future of democracy. I hope you can step up like you always have before with a contribution of $3 or more today -- and remember, it will be matched in full.
Friend, you and I both know that our democracy is worth fighting for -- and believe me that fight is far from over.
I am confident we will ultimately prevail, because ordinary people like you and me still hold the true power in our country.
This confidence is reinforced every hour as more and more phone calls and emails pour in from across the country with the singular message. “Count me in. I’m ready to do what it takes to save and protect our democracy for the next generation.”
I’m so glad to know I can count on you. In common cause,
Karen Hobert Flynn, President
and the team at Common Cause