New Jerseyans deserve better.

FIRST: Our corporate lobbyist opponent amplified Fox News’ Tucker Carlson attack against Mikie.

THEN: She lied about Mike’s proven track record supporting veterans.

NOW: She refuses to denounce a hateful and offensive campaign mailer that depicts a burning American flag.

Our opponent is clearly taking a page out of President Trump’s playbook and resorting to fear-mongering and desperate, baseless attacks against Mikie in an attempt to distract from her own extremist views.

But it’s no surprise that a corporate lobbyist is embracing the worst of partisan politics.

Our district, New Jersey, and the country deserve better. If you can, chip in to send Mikie back to Congress to give New Jerseyans the leadership they deserve.

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Mikie ran for Congress in 2018 because she knew extreme partisanship was getting in the way of getting things done for New Jersey. Since day one, Mikie has worked across the aisle to improve and expand access to affordable health care, secure resources for small businesses and frontline workers, and respond to the pandemic so New Jerseyans can safely get back to work.

Meanwhile, our opponent has extremist views on guns and reproductive rights, and she lobbied for the 2017 tax bill that capped the SALT deduction and took money out of New Jerseyans’ pockets.


Our opponent thinks she can win by going low.

We can win by talking about Mikie’s experience as a former prosecutor and Navy pilot and her record as a bipartisan leader.

But we need the resources to share our message in these last nine days. If you can, chip in here →


Team Mikie

Paid for by Mikie Sherrill for Congress

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Mikie Sherrill, PO Box 43032 Montclair, NJ 07043

Mikie Sherrill was a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy. Use of her military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Navy or the Department of Defense.