The dark side of illicit massage parlors cannot be overlooked.
Survivors Debunk Massage Parlor Myths in New Video from Defend Dignity ([link removed])
There are many myths that surround this form of sexual exploitation. In Defend Dignity’s latest video, survivors of body rub parlors discuss and debunk many of those myths in order to shed light on the reality of illicit massage parlors: they are a vehicle for sexual exploitation and trafficking across Canada, where Defend Dignity is located, and across the world.
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Defending Dignity Weekly Newsletter
Highlights: Massage parlor survivors speak out, Hustlers normalizes strip clubs, and more!
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No, Hustlers is Not Empowering for Women ([link removed])
Hustlers minimizes and makes light of the trials that women face in strip clubs, completely ignoring the very real harms of this type of work.
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"I was the first woman to publicly accuse gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar. But I was also abused in my own church." ([link removed])
Rachel Denhollander: "The information my mom gave me after I told her what had happened brought clarity to questions that had swirled in my mind for years and explained icy behaviors I couldn’t previously understand. It also left me with a lesson I’ve never forgotten and had in fact taken into the exam room with Larry: If you can’t prove it, don’t speak up. Because it will cost you everything."
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The Research-backed Links Between Pornography and Child Sexual Abuse ([link removed])
Child sexual abuse is an atrocity that goes against the very nature of human dignity. While this appears to be widely known and agreed upon, something that many around the world don’t know is the role pornography plays in fueling child sexual abuse. Yet, when taking into account the common themes of mainstream pornography, which include teen, children, and incest, it is not difficult to see that child sexual abuse and the porn industry have closer ties than one might be aware of.
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NCOSE Project Spotlight:
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With gratitude,
Dawn Hawkins
Sr. Vice President & Executive Director
National Center on Sexual Exploitation
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440 1st Street NW, Suite 840 | Washington, DC 20001 US
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