Just over one week, John, and there's lots of promising news. Ignore it. 

We've seen good news turn bad before – not just in 2016, but throughout our history. We can't let that happen on our watch. So, we're going full-speed to make sure we win this fight, and we're not stopping until the last ballot is counted.

Will you join Team Blumenauer in this week's Election Actions? These small, but critical actions will make a real difference.

In case you missed it on Facebook and Twitter this week, here are five things you can do to help:

Our ballots are already here and many of us have already voted – more than 80,000 Oregonians and more than 50 million nationwide! That's a movement!

Don't forget to share your voting selfies with us on social media!

Remember, John, the election doesn't happen on November 3. The election is now. Join the fight and let's take action together.


Team Blumenauer

Express Donate:

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly:

$5 $15 $25 $50