Bad news, team —

I’m not here to fool you with any fake goals or “the sky is falling!” language begging you to pitch in a donation. That’s just not how we do things.

I’m here to give you the straight and honest truth: with one week left in October, we’re way behind on our fundraising goal. That’s why we launched an emergency weekend goal to raise $100,000 by midnight tonight.

Sure, some days are better than others (Sundays aren’t great). But when you average it all out, we’ve fallen significantly behind in the final stretch of this election, and we’ve had too many bad days.

This is not what we expected. We need to fund our final GOTV efforts, but we’re behind, putting our resources at risk to get those votes in.

So, I’m asking (not begging!) you to please donate whatever you can afford today to help us reach our emergency weekend goal. This could determine whether or not we pull off a win next Tuesday.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Now more than ever, more dollars equal more votes. Thanks for being with us.

— John