Islamist, sharia-apologist and BDS supporter
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Linda Sarsour Is Now Bernie Sander's Campaign Surrogate
Islamist, sharia-apologist and BDS supporter
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France Betrays US With $15 Billion Iran Bailout
Will the US sanction France?
FIFA: Did a Woman Have to Die Before You Stepped In?
The association needs to enforce its own rules in Iran
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Ilhan Omar Challenged in Minnesota by Muslim Reformers
Town hall being staged on eve of 9/11
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Clarion EXCLUSIVE Report: Foreign Influence Ops on US Universities
'The most shocking report I have ever read'
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Readers Write
Raheel Raza on September 11: Don’t Give Up on the Fight
“She is one of the best...”
- V.W.
CAIR Wins Lawsuit Against US Terror Watchlist
“CAIR (Muslim Brotherhood) should be #1 on that list!!!”
- T.E.
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