With less than 10 days left until Election Day, every second counts towards mobilizing our movement and building progressive power. That's why I'm working so hard to ensure that Joe Biden is our next President and working families across America have the support they need to keep going.
I spent last weekend in Reading, Pennsylvania, and today I'm in Philadelphia working to get out the vote for Democrats from local elections to the Presidency. Check out these photos from last weekend:
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I'm fighting hard to defend our progressive values and push back against the GOP's dangerous agenda -- and that starts with getting Donald Trump out of office. Will you chip in so I can continue to reach voters in key swing states like Pennsylvania? >>> [[link removed]]
I don't need to tell you what's at stake in this election. No one wants to wake up the day after Election Day wishing we had done more or cursing ourselves for thinking we had it in the bag. We don't. We all need to be working hard, doing everything we can to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House.
Every single second is critical right now. Will you join my fight to elect Joe, Kamala, and Democrats across the ballot? >>> [[link removed]]
DONATE >>> [[link removed]]