It will absolutely change what we’re able to accomplish.

Katie Porter made clear that if progressives flip red districts, Joe Biden's ability to get big things done will increase:

"Please give what you can for these terrific candidates."

Katie Porter Red to Bold

For humanity to survive climate change and the coronavirus, we really can't afford small-bore solutions.

Rep. Katie Porter made a great point to PCCC members this week: "Having Red to Bold candidates win would change the energy and the conversation in the House of Representatives" during a Biden Administration.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren added that progressives flipping red districts "changes where the ceiling is" on what Biden can get done.

PCCC members have already donated over $100,000 to 7 House candidates in flippable districts in key states for Biden. With 10 days left, can you chip in to Get Out The Vote for these candidates and Biden?

Over 125,000 watched our Zoom with these candidates, Porter, Warren, Rep. Jamie Raskin, and incoming Rep. Jamaal Bowman this week -- watch here.

Raskin said, “Often times we hear, ‘We can’t do’ you fill in the blank -- it might be a $15 minimum wage, it might be strong anti-trust legislation -- because of Democrats who are in the most vulnerable swing districts."

But that argument goes away if more progressives like Katie Porter flip red seats!

Porter added, "It’s really, really important that we show that a winning message is about fighting for the people. That’s what every single one of these candidates is doing....To achieve big change, I need more allies in Congress."

Katie said, "Thank you so much to everybody who's supported Please give what you can for these terrific candidates." Can you chip in right now?

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Elections Team

P.S. Please also bookmark these Actblue links and use them when you want to donate to Senate candidates or House candidates. That way the candidates know your money came from progressives.

P.P.S. Can't donate right now? Or want to help another way? Get Out The Vote by calling voters for progressive candidates!

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